The Big Loop, Day 48: Birds (17 images)

I chose a route through New York that would allow me to visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology headquarters, and a wildlife refuge at one of the Finger Lakes.  That day, I was anxious to get to the Buffalo area where I was to meet up with family. So those two stops were brief but fun.

Cornell's visitor center is located in Sapsucker Woods, a not-so-surprisingly great place to bird watch. I would love to visit again, just a few weeks later in the season and a few hours earlier in the day. Still, it was a very relaxing walk among the trees.

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Tufted Titmouse

Canada Goose

Great Blue Heron

Canada Goose

The Montezuma National Wildlife is another area that deserves more time than I was able to give it. It is located just north of Cayuga Lake, one of New York's Finger Lakes.

Purple Martin

Canada Goose

Red-winged Blackbird

Mallard Ducks



Mallard Ducks
