The Big Loop, Day 6: Birds/Nature (29 images)

As I continued south in New Mexico, I was able to stop at two wildlife refuges known for good birding, Valle De Oreo and Bosque Del Apache NWR. I was able to capture images of several new "life list" birds, which is a thrill for us birding nerds. 

IDs are with each photo. Also, make it all the way to the end for a beautiful sunset at Valley of Fires Recreation Area!

Cinnamon Teal

Western Meadowlark

Ruddy Duck

Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler

Green-winged Teal, Female

Green-winged Teal

Northern Shoveler, Male and Female

Northern Pintail

Red-winged Blackbird

Gambel's Quail

Gambel's Quail

House Sparrow

House Sparrow

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Rock Pigeon

Common Raven


Carolyn said…
Great pictures, I especially like the meadowlark!