The Big Loop, Day 22: Galveston (16 images)

My old fraternity brother Cory and his fun wife Paula drove me down to Galveston to see the sights. I of course got some shots of birds, including some new ones. 


We also strolled the beach enjoying the warm breeze and the ocean views. Then they took me to lunch for some terrific seafood. Wow, was it delicious!

Laughing Gull (New life list bird)


Yellow-rumped Warbler (New life list bird)

Great Blue Heron

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Laughing Gull

My visit with them was special. Cory and I go back almost 50 years! They just don't make better friends than Cory. I'm a lucky guy.


Carolyn said…
Love them all but the Laughing Gull is a cool one!