Osprey Fledglings: Fledging and Feeding (8 images)

Osprey chicks learn to fly after about two months. They usually leave the nest a couple of months later, after learning to fish and receiving a bit longer protection from their parents. 

In this nest, I spotted an adult female (from the ground). But eventually, two others poked their heads up - the fledglings. The youngsters were flapping away. Learning to use those wings. Preparing to fly. One was even hopping/hovering briefly. A park ranger I spoke to predicted their first flights would be in just a few days. So they are almost "ready for takeoff".

I'm glad I stayed to watch them. Because, after about fifteen minutes, the father showed up with a fish dinner for the family. 

The ways that osprey have evolved to be so excellent at fishing are myriad. 

1. They can rotate one talon around to the back so they can better hang on to their catch. 

2. They can fully submerge. They have an oily coating on their wings and can close their nostrils.

3. Their wings are built to help them resurface and regain flight.

And more! Here are two informative sites: 



I do love osprey... so I went back another night for more watching!


Carolyn said…
That last picture of the dad with the fish! ❤️❤️❤️