A Walk in My Garden (22 images)

Lots of people enjoy starting their day by strolling through their beautiful garden. Me too. It's just that, for now anyway, "my garden" happens to be all of Glacier National Park. 

I spent time in my garden this beautiful morning before my work shift began. White, yellow purple, blue, red alpine spring wildflowers. Flitting white, yellow, orange butterflies. Elusive but vocal songbirds. Buzzing bees. Floating fluffy clouds. Lush green carpets. Rows and rows of deep green pine trees. And, at the Beaver Pond, a mama moose pulling up grasses to chew on. 

Wait, what?

Right, a moose. Do you have one in YOUR garden? No? Well come visit me in mine! By the way, there is no weeding in my garden. No mowing. No hand watering. No deadheading the wilted blossoms. No trimming. No pruning. Just... enjoying. Mmmmmmmmmm.


Carolyn said…
LOVE your garden! The sunflower!!❤️❤️
Jann Hopkins said…
When you're in my neighborhood would you please come "look" at my garden through your camera lens. I think it would look much better! Seriously, even when one is in the lushness of mountain meadows, I think it takes an amazing eye to capture that lushness to where you feel you can almost reach out and touch it with your fingers. Beautiful!