A Herd of Bleu Horses! (8 images)

On Highway 287, just north of the turnoff to Three Forks, is a beautiful sight located quietly and without fanfare (no signs at all, in fact) on the crest of a hill. It's a herd of 39 horses, lazily grazing on the grasses. Majestic mountains and spectacular Montana big skies provide the backdrop. But what makes it special is that they are all larger-than-life,"blue roan", steel sculptures!

They are the work of sculptor Jim Dolan (https://www.bleuhorses.com). I was concerned about trespassing, so I didn't get very close to them. But his website features some very nice close shots. They are a beautiful addition to the already beautiful rolling hill of the Three Forks area.

No matter the season, spring, summer, fall, or winter, they will be there, silently surveying their vast domain.


Carolyn said…
Beautiful Big Sky pictures! Love the horses…he captured them amazingly!
Martine said…
I miss the Montana skies. Thank you Steve to make them so vivid and wide. And I prefer them without the blue horses.
Jann Hopkins said…
Love the angles you found with the horses! You gave them added "life." I hope to someday see them in person. Big Sky Country truly lives up to its name!