Swaner Preserve: Sandhill Cranes and more (9 images)

This post is from a visit I made in mid-May to the Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter, at Kimball Junction, near Park City. On that day, I was able to view a variety of interesting bird species. But the stars of the day were a mother Sandhill Crane and her newly hatched baby, or "colt". And when I say newly-hatch, I mean NEWLY! I was extremely lucky to get photos of the baby crane less than 30 minutes after it came out of the egg! The protective papa crane stood nearby, loudly warning spectators not to get too close to mama and baby. Mama was pretty vocal, herself.

It was a marvelous, beautiful morning indeed. So I decided to relive that experience by posting these images. Enjoy! Better yet, go visit the Swaner Preserve yourself - it is a beautiful, peaceful, pastoral place.

Female Sandhill Crane and colt

Male Sandhill Crane

Female Sandhill Crane and colt

Female Sandhill Crane and colt

Female Sandhill Crane and two colts (barely visible)

Cinnamon Teal

Lewis's Woodpecker, uncommon for the area

Western Tanager

Western Tanager


Carolyn said…
LOVE the family pictures!