California Condors - Aloft! (8 images)

After last week's disappointing results from my condor photo hunt at Marble Canyon, I set modest goals for today's trip into Zion National Park. I know that there is only one known breeding pair of California Condors in the park. But there are sometimes a few more that come to the park to soar, maybe up from the Vermilion Cliffs area - it's a very short distance for them.

When I arrived at Big Bend, the viewing area, the was ONE juvenile bird perched high on a rocky cliff face. The juvenile was occasionally spreading his giant wings, which was impressive enough. But is was NOT flying. I was ready to accept another no-soaring day, even while fully enjoying my day in the park. However, after about a half-hour, the "gang" arrived!

During the next hour-plus of viewing, we spotted no fewer than ten (that's TEN) condors soaring in the towing cliffs. Gliding and soaring along with their 9.5 foot wingspans, the condors are a beautiful sight to behold. I especially like it when they cast a shadow against the sandstone cliffs. It turned into a banner day for condor watching!


Carolyn said…
S P E C T A C U L A R!