Colorful Kindness

Patience and Persistence Pays Off! 

Back about ten years ago, when I was still shooting weddings, I was waiting just outside of Temple Square for my client, who I was meeting for bridal portraits. While I waited for her to prep, I wandered around, looking for Spring photos. I happened to see two Tibetan Monks stop a young lady to ask a few questions. Maybe for directions to somewhere, I don't know. It was clear that she was not an LDS missionary. These three strangers had a brief, warm exchange - I didn't overhear their conversation. Anyway, I was able to grab a few quick frames and they were done, the monks moving on to their destination. My client showed up and we got to work on the business at hand.

I have always loved that photo for its cheery, colorful content. The girl in her pink hoodie, the monks in their saffron robes, and the spring flowers behind them. And for the simple act of kindness I witnessed that day between people of different backgrounds. It was such a fleeting moment. I happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture it.

My problem is that over the years I misplaced the original file. I was pretty sure I had it somewhere, but could just not track it down. I have many tens-of-thousands of image, and my filing system is pretty good, not perfect. So over the years, I have had to make due with a very small version I had used on my website at one point. And hold out hope that I could find it some day.

More recently, I have been trying to collect my personal all-time favorite images that I have created. I needed the original, but still wasn't been able to locate it. More frustration, but I still held out hope. 

Well, just this afternoon, I finally came up with a search strategy that worked! WAHOO!!! So... here is one of my sentimental favorite photos. And the lessons from all of this? First, persevere! Hold out hope and keep working. And second, BE KIND TO STRANGERS! 

Be the change you want to see in the world. -- Gandhi


Carolyn said…
Unknown said…
Love the story! Thanks for sharing such inspiring story and great photos, Steve!
Unknown said…
By the way, it is Rachana. :)