Breathe! Relax! Focus!

Stressed out about the Corona Virus? Frustrated about social distancing? Try stepping outside into the fresh, cool air and really STUDYING the details of the flowers in your garden. Concentrate on their form, the hypnotizing patterns, the detail you've never noticed, the gorgeous shapes, the spectacular colors, the light that is falling on them. This is NATURE - Reconnect with it.

Remember, you have to FOCUS on this, and only this for at least 10 minutes. You WILL feel better, reinvigorated. I guarantee it!

My relaxation target today was my magnolia bush. It worked.


Carolyn said…
I’m loving your new lens! These close ups are amazing!
lisa gemperline said…
The 6th one down is my favorite. They are mesmerizing and magical. I’d love to try macro as it’s more intimate and inviting.