My Garden - Summer Color

The Day Lily (Asiatic Lilyshowcases vivid orange blossoms with recurving tips above mid green foliage. They are bowl-shaped flowers that are upward facing and have a dark red stamen. They bloom in early to mid summer. The Red-Orange Lily is the same, only... red-orange, with a yellow center!! Native to Africa, they are both exotically beautiful.
The deep red "Arabian Night" Dahlia has showy warm, almost black looking blossoms with slightly incurved petals. It blooms profusely from July until frost. Mine are new this season, just starting to blossom, and I am loving them.
For you gardeners out there, the Magnus Purple Coneflower, which loves full sun, is tolerant of drought, heat, humidity, and poor soils. For you mathematicians, they are one of nature's mesmerizing showcases of Fibonacci Numbers (Look it up. It's worth it!). For everybody else, they are just plain beautiful. Mine are still green buds, but soon on their way to a soft purple blossom!
My yellow Cala Lilies class up my garden with their elegant wine glass shape. Their inflorescence, on a leafless flower stalk, consists of a spathe and spadix. The spathe, a large, flaring, trumpet-shaped bract, surrounds the spadix which is covered with tiny flowers. (Yes, I looked it up.)
