Flowers and Fruit

More images from my garden. I planted some fruit last fall, but only a few plants. So I am getting a modest harvest and planning for more next season. My new apple tree will only yield two apples this first year. But they are a PROUD pair!

Red Hot Poker

A failed flower, but what are these "pods"? I'm holding out hope for...anything.

Even past its prime, this dahlia blossom is lovely.



These beauties are on their way to becoming my first black berries.

I'll soon be enjoying the sweetness of this strawberry.

My two apples. I'm trying to be patient while they ripen!

From an old song I love: "Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring..."

A friend has inspired me to explore more b/w versions of my images. What do you think?

Calla Lily. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh.
