Snow Geese - Delta

Delta, Utah, is temporary home each February-March to well over 10,000 migrating snow geese. Seeing them fill the air is a breathtaking sight! The snow geese will breed on the Arctic tundra, but while migrating will spend time in fields, marshes, and lakes. Their characteristic white bodies, black wingtips, and pink bills are striking enough in small numbers, but spectacular in large flocks in flight. Mature Snow Geese average 27" - 32" in length and weigh 3.5 - 7.5 pounds, and can have a wingspan of 54".

This year marked my second (perhaps annual) day-trip down to Delta to watch them. Not all of the birds had made it into the area yet. Many thousands more will be arriving daily. Still, today's excursion was a wonderful experience.


Carolyn said…
That’s a huge skein! Great flight pictures!
Brittney said…
Wow!! You got some amazing shots. What a cool experience. I've noticed a similar mass migration in the south west end of the valley. The birds are black, though, and in not sure what kind they are. Thanks for sharing!
Unknown said…
Nice pics.

I'm looking forward to see that magnificent event this coming Saturday. JT